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Writer's picture: HealthyProstateHealthyProstate

My adventures whilst travelling continued this summer when I explored the Baltic region taking in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

I was looking for new experiences in their traditional setting with authentic practitioners

My first encounter was in Lithuania, near Vilnius, where I went for a Banya sauna. After doing my research, I found what looked to be the perfect offering.

I booked a session for traditional smokehouse sauna with a bathing experience for three hours. I arrived and was greeted by my Lithuanian Master Bather who was friendly, charming and charismatic and I immediately felt at ease.

Over hot fresh herbal tea sweetened with local honey we discussed the procedure and I prepared myself

The steam, sauna, herbs were as described a traditional.

I undressed and wrapped a small towel around me and was guided  to the shower and then into the sauna itself

The sauna is dark but for a dim light as I entered the dry heat was palpable. I lay down on the slatted bench and breathed in the aromatic smell of fresh herbs scent

As the temperature began to rise, my body glowed and after about 20 minutes, it was time for a shower to lower my body temperature. Returning to the sauna this time naked I took up my place on the bench. My Lithuanian Bather then proceeded to rub my entire body with a mixture of salt and honey, a most pleasurable experience my skin feeling rejuvenated

The dark Cavan of the sauna from years of use added to the senses. Being massaged with salt and honey in near total darkness was a most pleasurable experience.

I was then washed with cool water while still in the sauna before a break from the heat with another shower

The next part of the treatment, the temperature increased so that the pores of  my body were fully open. A mixture of finely mixed herbs and salt were released into the air and sitting on the bench glowing from the heat I deeply inhaled this cleansing concoction.  Time again for another shower.

My host prepared some fresh tea whilst I had a short break from the heat

Already feeling amazing, it was now time for the Banya itself. By this time my Bather was also naked and armed with Birch leaves. He led me back into the sauna and this time face down and naked he proceeded to whip my whole body with the birch leaves sending a tingling sensation all over.This most pleasurable part of the experience was repeated when I turned over to be face up. The heady concoction of the dark smoky environment, the salt and honey and herbs still lingering in the air the host beating me soundly with birch was the experience I was hoping it to be and I didn’t want it to end   

But like all good things, it was time again for another shower, but this time with a difference. I was led still naked and glowing outside into the warmth of the evening as the Sun was beginning to set onto the veranda where ice cold water was poured over me to remove any stray leaves and remnants of the salt and honey.

Having noticed the swimming pool outside the sauna when I arrived I wasn’t expecting this next element of the treatment. My host held my hand and lead me into the water. Standing behind me he tilted me so that I was now floating on my back. Gently, he held me and started to turn circles which gave me the sensation of swirling like Whirling Dervishes which is a Turkish tradition of Sufi whirling dance to get closer to God.

This vortex created within me a feeling of being reborn and was Psychedelic-like in its nature, utterly unexpected yet epic and mystical experience.

I felt euphoric, which was the perfect ending to the session. My host helped me out of the pool and lead me to the Sun lounge to digest the experience. After coming back from profound experience I was presented with fresh fruit, tea and warm blankets.

Later came time for integration where my wonderful Bather explained further about the depth of the experience where the aim goes way beyond bathing itself.

Only afterwards did I notice that my host was also a masseuse, an experience I’m sure would’ve been out of this world. Additional reason for a short return visit to Vilnius one day.

Whether you go for a nice Massage, Baltic Bath House, Hamman, Spa, or any other relaxation experience, they all foster balance in one’s life by promoting both physical and mental harmony, relaxing tense muscles, improving circulation, and helping detoxify the body, while reducing stress.

Happy well-being

Joy x


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